Leadership Survey
Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your feedback and insight into the future success of Edko is coveted.

    In what area of your job would you want training or education?

    If we were to create training videos for employees, what would the videos cover?

    We’re developing a new TGR app. What’s some functionality that you’d like to see?

    How could GPS on our fleet improve your supervising abilities?

    What tools or assets could improve production and/or safety in your district?

    How could we improve employee recognition?

    What’s one thing we could do to help attract good employees?

    What’s a service that we don’t currently offer that we should?

    In what ways could we improve our corporate communication?

    What do you enjoy about your job the most and why?

    What do you least enjoy about your job and why?

    What part of your job takes up the most amount of your time?

    What hurdles do you face as it relates to production?

    Do you have a clear understanding of the difference between workers comp and health insurance?

    Managers and Supervisors, what would you like to learn about or discuss at the 2016 leadership meeting? (If not applicable, enter N/A)

    Additional comments or concerns: