• Look for healthy, unwrinkled shells and a glossy brown surface. Dingy shells may indicate mold, and small pinholes likely indicate that worms have been drilling; avoid such nuts. Fresh chestnuts are firm to the touch and heavy in the hand, with no space between the shell and the meat of the nut inside.
• First, using a sharp knife, make an incision about 1/8-inch deep through each chestnut shell, just into the flesh of the nut, and work your way almost around its circumference.
• Transfer the chestnuts to a chestnut roasting pan or a rimmed baking pan, and roast them in a 350-degree oven for about 35 minutes.
• While the chestnuts are hot, remove and discard each shell and the papery skin.
These are great eaten as is, sauté them in butter, brown sugar and thyme or try on of these recipes.